Prepare For Emergencies With These 5 Marina Safety Tips
Training, practice, and preparation are the best ways to plan for emergencies. Whether you are gearing up for the high season or as part of your routine maintenance, here are 5 basic safety tips from Dock Boxes Unlimited for achieving a safe and well prepared marina.
Be prepared in case of a fire
Because marina fires are dangerous and fast progressing, fire prevention and a fire response plan are crucial. The greatest opportunity to prevent a fire is to educate boat owners to recognize hazards for the safety of the marina. Make certain boaters know the P.A.S.S. (Pull, Aim, Squeeze, and Sweep) system and understand how to safely use a fire extinguisher and a fire hose before they ever need to. Properly operated, fire extinguishers can help stop a small fire before it has a chance to grow out of control. It is important to take the time to prepare for a fire emergency with an emergency response plan that responds to the risk of fire as well as outlines the responsibilities of staff and boat owners. Don’t take chances with your marina, be prepared with the best in fire extinguisher and hose cabinets from Dock Boxes Unlimited.
Ensure proper installation and maintenance of electrical equipment
All electrical installations should be performed by a professional electrical contractor familiar with marine codes and standards and inspected at least once a year. Proper planning and layout of the electrical system is crucial to minimize the risk of ESD, or electric shock drowning. Electric shock drowning has become the catchall term that includes in-water electrocution and drowning that is a result of becoming paralyzed by electricity in the water. The Energy Education Council’s Safe Electricity program advises, “Prevent deadly shocks. Check your boats and docks.” Dock Boxes Unlimited’s professional sales and technical staff will assist you and your design team through all aspects of your marina project and selection of appropriate power pedestal and power configurations.
Have your safety equipment readily available
Keep life vests, first aid kits, flares, and other safety equipment stored in a fiberglass dock box and test your equipment. Other safety equipment to have on hand include a horn, fire extinguisher, GPS, towline, navigation lights, and an emergency radio. Dock Boxes Unlimited’s dock boxes are a great dock storage option to keep essential safety equipment readily available.
Store your life ring in an easily accessible cabinet
A life ring cabinet is an accessory no marina should be without. Always keep a life ring readily available in case someone falls in the water and needs assistance getting out. More than 90% of boating-related deaths are from drowning, and 80% of those drowning victims were not wearing a personal flotation device. Anytime anyone is boating, there’s a chance of falling overboard. The life ring is easy to throw and easy to retrieve and should be part of your overall safety policy. For quick and easy access, store your life ring in a fiberglass life ring cabinet from Dock Boxes Unlimited.
Be prepared for an oil spill
Occasional marine spills are inevitable. Even if you have never had an oil spill before, it is absolutely crucial to be prepared in the event your marina experiences an oil spill. All marinas are expected to practice smart pollution prevention measures while handling and storing petroleum products. Have the necessary clean-up equipment on hand with an oil spill kit complete with absorbent booms, pads, disposable bags, and more. Dock Boxes Unlimited spill response kit helps boaters to comply with clean Marina standards, ensuring our waterways remain vital and safe for all to enjoy.
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